In the dark
Overwhelming Miracle of the Quran
God reveals in the Quran that His signs are recognized only by those who have attained faith and certainty. He further teaches us that His reminders are effective and beneficial solely for believers:
God, in His supreme plan, has endowed our generation and all future generations with an extraordinary blessing: a verifiable, mathematically embedded structure within the Arabic text of the Quran. This intricate nineteen-based code affirms the Quran's divine authorship and authenticity beyond any doubt. Declared by the Almighty as one of the great miracles, this profound mathematical proof was revealed to humanity through Dr. Rashad Khalifa, the Messenger of the Covenant.
The Quran's Common Denominator
One of the Great Miracles
God has blessed us with an extraordinary tool—a super-sensitive mechanism capable of detecting even the slightest distortion in the Quran’s Arabic text. Throughout history, human errors, whether intentional or accidental, have occurred in the processes of collecting, transcribing, and copying the Quran. However, this divine tool ensures that such distortions are identified and addressed. God’s promise in Quran 15:9 to preserve His message, the perfect Arabic Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad and safeguarded in the Master Tablet, is being fulfilled through His infinite wisdom and grace. By employing the mathematical miracle embedded within the Quran, this promise continues to manifest, affirming the scripture's integrity and authenticity.
God's Messenger of the Covenant
Modern-day distortions of the Quran by publishers around the world are evident in the variations in the lettering of specific words across different copies. These discrepancies, particularly involving the "Alif" and "Hamza" (variations of the letter "A"), highlight the ongoing importance of the Quran’s mathematical coding. This divine mechanism continues to serve its purpose, appreciated by true believers while ignored by those who harbor doubt and remain unaware.
It is a serious misconception to assume that God’s promise in Quran 15:9—regarding the preservation of the Quran—has been fully realized through existing human publications. The "Mushafs" (printed copies of the Quran) widely distributed today contain subtle errors in transcription. The perfect preservation of the Quran is an active process that requires the application of the mathematical miracle revealed by God.
Those who deny this ongoing process, claiming that the promise of 15:9 has already been completed, fail to recognize the perpetual nature of God’s miracle. By disregarding this proof and resisting its implementation, they demonstrate disbelief in both the Quran and the message delivered through God’s messenger of the covenant.
The Ultimate Miracle: The Quran's Mathematical Code
The System
A common misconception is comparing the Quran's mathematical miracle to the static miracles of previous prophets. Unlike those earlier miracles—witnessed by a limited audience and later spread through word of mouth—the mathematical miracle of the Quran is dynamic and eternal. It can be verified and experienced by anyone, anywhere, at any time.
However, God emphasizes the need for personal verification in Quran 17:36, placing responsibility on individuals to witness and confirm the miracle for themselves. Without this personal effort, the miracle remains unseen. It is not enough to accept it based on faith alone or rely on the testimony of Dr. Rashad Khalifa or others who have already witnessed it. Each believer is encouraged to engage with and validate the miracle directly, affirming its truth through their own understanding and effort.
We offer our prayers for those who remain in denial, choosing to stay in darkness. May they come to realize that God is relentless in perfecting His light, providing us with ongoing signs and fulfilling His promise to preserve His final testament. He has gifted humanity with a timeless tool of validation and blessed us with the faculties of sight, hearing, and intellect to recognize His guidance and truth.
The Believers Repent
May God guide us all, and may He reward the righteous actions of us all.