Submission to God Alone

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End Of The World

Among the duties charged to me as God's Messenger of the Covenant is unveiling the end of the world (Page 415 (or refer to Duties in Appendix 2)). We learn from 18:7-8 and 69:13-15 that this world will come to an end. A new earth and new heavens will replace the present heavens and earth (14:48).

Signs of the Approaching End of the World

The Quran provides many signs, and states that the means for unveiling the end of the world have been given (47:18). The signs given in the Quran include:

It Will Not Remain Hidden [20:15]

Verse 15 of Sura 20 informs us that the end of the world will be revealed by God before the end of the world, and Sura 15, Verse 87, gives the time for that event:

We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Quran. [ 15:87 ]

The seven pairs are the 14 Quranic Initials. The total gematrical value of these profound pillars of the Quran's miracle pinpoints the year of the end of the world. It is noteworthy that Verse 85 of Sura 15 states: "The end of the world will surely come to pass." The next verse, 15:86, tells us that God is the Creator of this world, and, of course, He knows when it will end. The following verse, 15:87, tells us when the world will end. As shown in Table 1, the gematrical values of "The Seven Pairs" of Quranic Initials total 1709 (see also Table 1 of Appendix 1). According to 15:87, the world will survive for 1709 lunar years from the time this prophecy is stated in the Quran. This means that the world will end in the year 1710 AH. This number is a multiple of 19; 1710 = 19x90.

Table 1: Total Gematrical Value of "The Seven Pairs" of Quranic Initials

The unveiling of this information took place in the year 1400 AH, 309 years before the prophesied end of the world (1709-1400=309). The number 309 is a Quranic number (18:25), and is connected with the end of the world (18:21). The peculiar way of writing 309 in 18:25, "Three hundred years, increased by nine," indicates that the 309 are lunar years. The difference between 300 solar years and 300 lunar years is 9 years.

The year of this discovery, 1400 AH, coincided with 1980 AD, and 1980 plus 300 solar years is 2280, also a multiple of 19, 19x120. Thus the world ends in 1710 AH, 19x90, which coincides with 2280 AD, 19x120. For the disbelievers who do not accept these powerful Quranic proofs, the end of the world will come suddenly (6:31, 44, 47; 7:95, 187; 12:107; 21:40, 22:55; 26:202; 29:53; 39:55; 43:66; and 47:18).

While Hadith is forbidden as a source of religious teachings (Appendix 19), it can be a useful source of history. We can derive a lot of information about historical events and local customs and traditions during the early centuries of Islam. The books of Hadith indicate that the Quranic Initials were believed to determine the life span of the Muslim Ummah. The classic exegesis by Al-Baydaawy cites the following historical event as a possible explanation of the Quranic Initials. The same event is detailed in Al-Suyooty's ITQAAN, First Printing, 1318 AH, Vol 2, Page 10:

Although this narration is well known, many scholars have been reluctant to accept the unmistakable connection between the Quranic Initials and the end of the world. They could not bring themselves to deal with this subject for the simple reason that the calculation makes the end of the world, and judgment, a reality.