Why Did God Send A Messenger Now?
As stated in 3:81, and in Appendix 2, God has sent a messenger to consolidate the messages delivered by all the prophets, purify them, and unify them into one religion: Submission. The timing is certainly ripe for fulfillment of this important prophecy, for the following reasons:
1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been corrupted beyond recognition.
2. All God’s messages have been delivered; the Quran is the Final Testament.
3. More than 93% of the human beings destined to live in this world are yet to come. As illustrated in the Introduction, Page xiv, the people who have lived on this earth since Adam are only one-fifteenth of the total projected human population.
The best illustration of today’s corrupted Judaism can be found in the books of a famous Rabbi; Harold S. Kushner. In his best seller WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE, Avon Books, 1981, Rabbi Kushner states the following:
If Jesus came back to life today, the Christians would crucify him. Outstanding Christian scholars have reached solid conclusions that today’s Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus, and that its doctrine was mortally distorted at the infamous Nicene Conferences (325 A.D.). See THE MYTH OF GOD INCARNATE, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1977.
If Muhammad came back to this world, the “Muslims” would stone him to death. The religion they follow today has nothing to do with the Islam, i.e. Submission, preached by Abraham and Muhammad. Everything the “Muslims” do is wrong: the First Pillar (Shahaadah), the call to Salat prayer (Azan), the ablution (Wudu), the daily Salat prayers, the Zakat charity, Hajj, and all other practices of Islam (see Appendices 2, 13, & 15)
“A Religion Never Authorized by God” (42:21)
The extent to which Islam (Submission) has been corrupted is illustrated in the following table:
This is only a minute sample of the violations committed by the “Muslims” on a daily basis. This is why God has sent His Messenger of the Covenant now.