Submission to God Alone

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Blame Eve! Eve, Bible vs Quran

Everyone blames it on Eve. That is why there have been so much abuse and disregard to the women in this world. That is why the women never achieved full equality in rights with their fellow men, even if they were more qualified.

We know that history is written by the victor. The men who physically overpowered the women wrote the history of everything we learn in school, and out of school.

The Bible we have today was corrupted by men who have no less of enthusiasm to downplay the status of women than some of the men living in this century.

The only unaltered word of God that we have today is QURAN. That is where we can find the truth about the status of women in relation to man as far as God is concerned. All the other books have been tampered with by men who have many more other interests than serving God ALONE.

Because Quran is the Ultimate Truth, we can, without hesitation, compare it to all that we have of older scriptures, like the Old and New Testament, and we can, without difficulty, sense the alteration that was introduced into these Holy books.

Where does Eve, the mother of all the human beings stand in the Bible compared to Quran?

Just a quick study of the way the Bible treats Eve would explain the reason behind all the problems that the women are suffering today.

As we can see here, Adam who committed the sin of eating from the forbidden tree blame it on Eve? And since then, men of all generations have been blaming Eve for their sins. You see that God in the Bible is blaming Eve and punishing her and all the Eves to come for the sin she did.

Does Quran present the story of Adam and his wife differently?

If you read the same story in Quran, (See 2:31-36),(7:19-25),(20:115-123)you will find that God in Quran :

Like many Hadiths in the Hadiths books, you can easily recognize the influence of Jewish beliefs on those who wrote these books, alleging the false stories and sayings to the prophet Muhammed.

In summary, while the Bible ( and the corrupted hadiths) blame it on Eve, Quran holds both Adam and his wife responsible for the sin of eating from the forbidden tree. Islam (Submission) holds everyone responsible for his/her sins. No blaming of parents, spouse, teachers, preachers, brothers, sisters, friends, or any one is accepted.

6:164: Say, "Shall I seek other than God as a Lord when He is the lord of all things ? NO SOUL BENEFITS EXCEPT FROM ITS OWN WORKS, AND NONE BEARS THE BURDEN OF ANOTHER. Ultimately, you return to your Lord, then He informs you regarding all your disputes.