Submission to God Alone

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Sects in Islam

This page will provide an analysis on how sects are viewed by the Quran alone, and using Quranic verses to diminish the sects of Islam, to name some: Ahmadi, Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Deobandi, & Khawarij.

The Quran explicitly condemns the creation of sects. While various Islamic sects—such as Sunni, Shia, Ahmadi, and others—may differ on interpretations of hadith and sunnah attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, they share a common reverence for the Quran. These sects, however, are often shaped by sources outside of the Quran, including religious law, historical narratives, and conjecture, rather than divine revelation itself.

The divisions among these sects have largely arisen from differing interpretations and versions of historical events, such as the Prophet's last sermon, with multiple "authentic" hadith being presented to support various claims. These differing accounts have contributed to the fragmentation of the Muslim community.

The Nation of Islam, a significant political movement within the African American community, has made notable political strides in the United States. However, they rely on sources other than the Quran to inform their religious practices and legal frameworks. This approach stands in stark contrast to the teachings of true Islam, which strictly upholds the Quran as the sole source of guidance. Many members of the Nation of Islam, however, show openness to the true Islam (Submission) once exposed to it, as many are highly educated and insightful. When they choose to follow only the Quran for religious law, leaving behind man-made doctrines and political motivations, they will be guided to the truth.

Ultimately, all sects of Islam, including Sunni, Shia, Ahmadi, and the Nation of Islam, share a common flaw: they place reliance on sources and religious scholars outside of the Quran, deviating from the true path outlined in God's word. Click here to see what Quran says about sects.

The Quran consistently instructs believers to worship Allah alone, without invoking anyone else in His worship, including figures like Muhammad, Abraham, or Imam Ali. In 72:18, 30:40, and 2:21-22, Allah calls on mankind to worship Him alone, acknowledging that He is the Creator of everything. The Quran makes it clear that all forms of worship, prayer, and supplication should be directed solely to Allah. Any attempt to share His worship with others is considered shirk. (which includes the Shahada, Adhan, etc.)

Sects within Islam often elevate their scholars and religious leaders to positions of authority, permitting or forbidding things that Allah has not decreed. In Surah An-Nahl (16:116), Allah warns against speaking untruths about what is lawful and unlawful, emphasizing that only He has the authority to declare such matters. Despite this, many scholars forbid things like certain seafood, even though the Quran declares all sea produce lawful (5:96, 16:14). This reflects the tendency of sects to follow human-made rulings rather than the clear guidance of the Quran.

Some may argue that following these prohibitions doesn’t harm them, but it’s important to remember that by following Allah's command, we gain everything. As Allah says in Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:87-88), we are to eat from what is lawful and good, and to be grateful for His provisions. Any human-imposed restrictions, like those from scholars or imams, attempt to assume a divine prerogative, as only Allah can forbid or allow things.

The Quran explicitly outlines what is forbidden to consume in Surah Al-An’am (6:145), listing dead animals, blood, swine, and anything sacrificed to other than Allah. These are the only things prohibited; any additional prohibitions are the result of human innovation, and should be rejected in favor of the clear, divine guidance found in the Quran.

These are just two examples of how idol worship manifests in subtle ways within Islamic sects: the elevation of scholars and imams to the level of authority where they make unlawful what Allah has not forbidden (9:31), and the invocation of others alongside Allah in acts of worship. These practices distort the purity of submission to Allah alone and lead believers away from the true path. Will you not take heed and be mindful of your Lord, remembering that He alone is the authority on all matters of worship and law? It is time to return to the Quran, the only source of truth and guidance, and to avoid all forms of innovation that divert from His clear commands.

The mainstream sects

This section will go over how each sect claims they follow and obey Quran, yet their beliefs will say different. They are unaware of their own hyprocritical behavior


The Shia have practices that are very Christian-like, already drawing out the skeptical parts of their belief. Like the Christians, they have 4 main Hadith they uphold, which are: al-Kāfī, al-Faqīh, al-Tahdhīb, and al-Istibṣār. Their form of shirk is a lot more visible than the other sects, as their book "al-Kāfī", or "The Sufficient", claims that the Imams inherited knowledge of the prophet Muhammad, as well as they gained the knowledge of the past, present, and future. Their book also suggests that the Imams are divinely appointed by God, yet are NEVER once mentioned in Quran.

Some of the misguided like to say that 33:33 of the Quran mentions the household of Muhammad. As we can obviously see, no where does it mention "Household of Muhammad" or anything related. Instead, we actually learn from this verse that this is a commandment that relates to all of mankind. Do you ever think to question "why does it say obey God and obey His Messenger instead of saying obey the prophet or Muhammad?", infact we learn from the previous verse in 33:32 that God calls out the wives of the Prophet, in English and Arabic, therefore we know this verse relates to back then, since it uses the terminology "Wives of the Prophet". The wives of the Prophet are not here today, they are gone. However, with 33:33, the misguided like to interpret this verse to create conjunction and mislead the young. No where in Arabic or English does it say household of the prophet or Muhammad, instead 33:33 serves as a commandment from God for ALL of mankind, from the past, in the present, and to the future.

Now, to get into the Hadith that claim the divinity of these 12 Imams:

The Sufficient (Volume 1, Chapter on the Imams' Knowledge): "The Imams inherit the knowledge of the Prophet and possess the knowledge of the past, present, and future." Possessing knowledge of the past, present, and future? Suddenly these Imams know more than the prophet that was actually appointed by God Himself? Let's see what the Prophet knew according to Quran: nothing, only what was revealed to him. This is what the Quran states. Who's word is better than God's?

The Sufficient (Volume 1, Chapter on Knowledge): "The Imam knows what has been, what is, and what will be. Nothing is hidden from him." Refer to the previous refute, Muhammad knew nothing, a man that is not even hinted at in the Quran did not know better than Muhammad.

Bihar al-Anwar by Allama Majlisi (Volume 26, Chapter on the Imams’ Knowledge): "We (the Imams) have been given knowledge of the Book (the Qur'an) and the explanation of everything within it. We know what is in the heavens and the earth." This can be already referred back to the first verse that was refuted, however this is claiming that a simple man 1400 years ago had divine knowledge of Quran. Did we skip over chapter 3 of the Quran? Or did they just not read the Quran in general? Let's go to 3:7 and see what God says. We see "None knows the true meaning thereof except God and those well founded in knowledge.", however Shia would instantly interpret this to think "12 Imams", when these 12 Imams did not even know the meaning of 51:47 ("We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to expand it."), as today we know that "samaa" (in Arabic version) or "Heavens" usually refers to the Universe, as in verse 41:12 we are informed that God decorated the lowest “samaa” out of the seven “samawat (heavens)” with “lamps”. We know that the “lamps” refer to stars because in verse 71:16 the Sun is called a “lamp” and it is a star. How is it that we know this today yet these "divinely appointed" Imams with this "divine knowledge and interpretation" didn't even know this? These books attribute false claims to the respected Imams of their time, making them look like God-sent creatures.

The Sufficient (Volume 1, Hadith 4, Chapter on the Imams' Divine Authority): "God did not leave the earth without a guide (Imam) who knows His commands and guides His creation. This guide is endowed with divine knowledge." It's incredible to see this claim being made with the lack of common sense. Some Shia scholars like to deceive their community and say 21:73 refers to the 12 Imams. Taking a look at this verse, we see the word "them", a plural word, being used. Who is "them"? If we look at the verse above it we see clearly that this is a story of Lot, Isaac, and Jacob, and God makes Isaac and Jacob leaders/Imams among their people. Where does this say 12 Imams? Where does this mention anything about Ali, or Hussein, or Hassan, etc.? Rhetorical question, it doesn't. How oblivious can people be to their own belief?

That was only small portion of examples.


The Sunnis tend to claim the Prophet is infalliable. Shia Muslims take the concept of infallibility further, extending it not only to the Prophet but also to the Twelve Imams and Fatimah. In Shia theology, infallibility means absolute protection from all sin, error, or forgetfulness in every aspect of life. The Quran opens makes sure that we know that Prophet Muhammad is fallible, because he is a man like us.

Surprisingly, even after there is no concept of Prophet Muhammad being infallible in their own (main) Hadiths, they still make this absurd claim. Let's refute this "infallible" idea by using the Quran Alone.

In the following verses, we are told of the errors and mistakes Prophet Muhammad made: 80:1-11, 33:37, 66:1, 8:67-68, 18:23-24, 9:43. An explanation of each verse will be provided within the respected textbox of the corresponding verse. Let it be known that Muhammad is an ordinary man without God's message.

Similarly to Shia, the Sunni follow the words and teachings of Muhammad. If there's a hadith that narrates something like: "someone narrated from this person that narrated from someone who narrated this from someone else that narrated the Prophet Muhammad said this thing is haram."

Maybe we've forgotten why Muslims don't accept the Bible we have today; Humans are arrogant. We argue with the Christians that the Bible is not the word of God & it was corrupted by man, yet these Muslims follow and obey books that are also not the word of God and can be corrupted by man. These are hypocrites that are blinded from their own actions.

Do we need these Hadiths? Let's see what God Himself says on the matter: 5:48-50. As we can see here from the provided verses, God commands Muhammad to live, rule, and teach by the Quran alone, as the Quran is the superior of Scriptures. God then challenges those who don't listen to 5:48-49. God, in 5:50, challenges the ones who reject this fact to show God a lawmaker better than Him. He knows there is none better than Him, that is why He says in 5:50, "Is it the law of the days of ignorance that they seek to uphold?", calling those who don't follow His commandments, ignorant. God the Self-Sufficient has thus made it clear.

That was only small portion of examples.


The Sufis are very interesting. They are not regarded as a sect of Islam like the Shia and Sunni, instead they are more revolved around mysticality, allowing for their practices to actually be adopted into the other mainstream sects. They believe more in a spiritual journey that relates with the closeness of God. While Sufism emphasizes the inner spiritual journey, Sunnis and Shias focus more on jurisprudence, theology, and leadership dynamics. Many Muslims, however, incorporate elements of Sufism into their Sunni or Shia practices, showing the complementarity rather than exclusivity of these traditions.

Even with that being said, their practices are less than ideal. The Sufis tend to dance around the Masjid as a form of worship/rememberance for God. They assign God worldly attributes, such as saying that God is not above His throne, that God isn't above His heavens. Then they continue to assign these false traits and attributes saying that "this is true" or "no, this is metaphorical". They claim that Muhammad is not a man & is instead made of light, they think it's okay to worship graves inorder to get closer to God. They say their clapping, whistling, dancing, etc is a "good bid'ah" when practiced, especially in Masjids and whatnot. They go even further to say that God created Mankind and Jinn for the sake of the Prophet.

They themselves are blind to their own words and actions.

God, Most Gracious, Omnipotent, is far above His throne (20:5). God is far above the Heavens that He created (67:16). Muhammad is indeed a man like us, not an Angel, nor made of light (18:110). There should be no person (or idol) that should be idolized in order to be closer to God (39:3). Their prayers of whistling, clapping, dancing are insults to God (8:35). God did not created Mankind and Jinn except to worship Him (51:56). And thus, how God makes revelations clear.

That was only small portion of examples.


The Ahmadis have the biggest flaw of them all, they believe in prophets after Muhammad. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, born in 1835 and died in 1908, claimed to have been a Prophet of God, the Messiah, and the Mahdi. The Ahmadis violate the Quran laws, and were officially declared non-Muslims during Pakistan’s Constitution (1974) after a debate in the National Assembly.

These Ahmadis reject the belief in Jesus' physical ascension to heaven and his second coming. They believe Jesus died a natural death and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad fulfilled the prophecies about Jesus' return. These Ahmadis also believe that Muhammad was the last "law-bearing prophet", and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a subordinate of Muhammad.

They are totally oblivious to their practices and think they are in the right. This Ahmadiyya belief violates 33:40. Seal of the Prophets could not be used any clearer, Muhammad is the SEAL of the Prophets, the last of the Prophets, the final Prophet. 4:157-159 could not have been made any clearer either, God states that Jesus was risen up to Himself, that he was not killed nor crucified, and was instead honored by God.

That was only small portion of examples.


The Kharijites are worse than extremists. The Khawarij are fundamentally flawed in their extreme and violent approach to faith, diverging from the balanced path of Islam, which emphasizes mercy, justice, and peace. Their misguided ideology leads them to hastily excommunicate fellow Muslims and commit acts of violence, contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an. Allah warns against such actions in Surah An-Nisa (4:93). Furthermore, their lack of careful judgment and their rush to condemn others directly contradicts Allah's command in Surah Al-Hujurat (49:6). These verses highlight how their violent misguidance leads them away from the divine path of peace and harmony, which should prevail except in legitimate times of war.

That was only small portion of examples.

The three Sermons of Prophet Muhammad

“I have left two matters with you. As long as you hold to them, you will not go the wrong way. They are the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet.” - Malik's Muwatta, Book 46, Chapter 3

"I leave with you the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt" - Sahih Muslim (44/4), Nu'aym ibn Hammad (2408), Ibn Hanbal (4/366), and Darimi (23/1, 3319).

"I leave you for the Quran alone you shall uphold it" - Sahih Muslim (15/19, nu 1218), Ibn Majah (25/84), and Abu Dawood (11/56)

The majority of Muslims have divided into sects, following conjecture (6:116) — relying on hadith and sunnah — instead of adhering to the Quran alone, as commanded by our Creator (17:46). These divisions arise not from disagreements over the Quran, but from differing interpretations of hadith. Had these groups followed the Quran as the sole and complete guidance, the divisions would not have taken root. Let us remember, as the Quran emphasizes, that the only path to true unity lies in upholding the Word of God without additions or alterations.