Understanding Submission

Insights into the true meaning and practice of submission to God alone.

Introduction to Submission

Submission is not a sect of Islam, as the Quran condemns the creation of sects (6:159, 30:31-32, 42:14). Instead, Submission aims to restore the Islam practiced in the time of Muhammad. Being a Muslim, or a “submitter,” means submitting to God alone, as Muhammad did. Over time, corruption has spread, leading many present-day Muslims to idolize Muhammad as a partner of God, along with his family, companions, and various imams.

This idolization breaks the true Shahada as described in 3:18. Present-day interpretations often add Muhammad's name as a partner in the Shahada, bearing witness that “Muhammad is a Messenger of God.” However, this was prophesied and condemned in Quran 63:1 as an innovation. Submission does not seek to change the laws of the Quran but aims to correct the corruptions that have crept into practice, affirming the same Quran and the same Quranic laws, grounded solely in the guidance of God.